About Us
ACE Quality Control, Inc. (ACE) is a Northern California Geotechnical, Environmental, Special Inspection and Materials Testing firm. Our team of talented professionals possess the enthusiasm and skills that reflect our drive to deliver industry leader services. ACE’s experienced staff offers geological, geotechnical, quality control management, special inspections and materials testing services throughout Northern California. The team brings a broad depth of experience and capabilities to every client we serve.
Our Principal Geotechnical Engineer has over 40 years of practical geotechnical engineering experience coupled with being a certified engineering geologist. Mr. Ed Hendrick, RCE, GE, CEG is unique in the fact few engineers in the State of California are dually certified in geotechnical and geology. His reputation has been built on trust and sound engineering principles.
Our Project Managers are driven on results! Their primary concern on every project is performance and solving problems. As a result, our key Project Managers have worked on some of the most significant projects in Northern California with construction values exceeding $750 Million in construction value. Our team has experience performing quality control services where few are capable and less are willing. Performance is JOB 1 for our project management team!

ACE Quality Control was founded on a mission to provide quality control services backed by performance and embracing technology to streamline delivery of services and documentation. Our engineering expertise, proactive project management, team oriented field staff and drive to incorporate technology help drive our ability to embrace quality everyday.